Unveiling For The Artist Curation & Exhibition Management: A Course Of Learning & Inspiration
I recently completed an amazing course on 'Art Curation & Exhibition Management' provided by the Visual Artists Association (VAA), and it was such a fantastic experience! We learned much about curatorial practices and effective exhibition management strategies throughout the course. Led by the uber-enthusiastic Karen van Hoey Smith, everything was explained in easy-to-understand language, and real-life case studies, including what went wrong, were super helpful. I wanted to see behind the curtain of curators, which I had some experience with when working at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum, but it offered so much more.
One of the most exhilarating aspects of the course was the networking opportunities. Engaging with industry professionals and fellow art enthusiasts was not just exciting, but it also made me feel like I was part of a vibrant and dynamic community. The weekly sessions with industry-leading speakers, Stephanie Dieckvoss, Maeve Doyle, and Emily-Jean Alexander, brought a wealth of experience to the course, and it was truly inspiring to learn from them.
I have never shown at a 'proper' art fair, let alone thought about being part of The Other Art Fair as promoted by Emily-Jean. Still, by the end of her session and the completion of the reflection tasks, I began to think it could be a place to consider. Lying in bed (it's where I do my best thinking), I thought about how my community flax-growing project could make woven vessels which could be sold at The Other Art Fair for a profit, which would go back into generating a second-phase legacy to involve more community participants, offer a compelling current story and raise the profile of all involved by being part of this internationally-recognised event.
Earlier, Karen encouraged us with, 'Don't be the chicken...be the peacock!' It had its desired effect.
I've always been a big supporter of mind mapping for current or future adventures. Indeed, the huge one I drew for the community engagement for the Turner Prize was photographed by the Arts Council big-bods who came to the venue as an example of best practice. Recently, I reviewed one generated during lockdown with Louise Orwin on her 'How to begin a week-long artist adventure.' So many things I'd hoped for had come to pass. This diagram had sat in front of my desk in my studio for months until it lightened in the sun and was popped away in a sketchbook, later to be unearthed in my relocation to Derbyshire. I do wonder about the power of clear intention in making things align.
My big sheets of paper and markers were put to one side as Karen suggested that we throw ourselves into the digital realm and use the Miro app to plot our curation and exhibition vision—generally, my subconscious screens out such techy ideas as it's not my arena for joy creation. However, Karen's pitch made me give it a go, and I cannot lie; she was right; it was a bloody brilliant tool that even I could manipulate. So, not only was the community flax exhibition intention plotted here, but I also integrated the trial growing phase that I'm currently enjoying. How beautiful to clear up the clutter that I had been retaining in my brain into a coherent, cunning plan that can quickly be reviewed and manipulated in response to my learnings and circumstances. Oh, and you can make it pretty too (always a bonus.)

By the end of the course, I received a bundle of best practice documents and processes that I had practised with, connected to fellow creative travellers on similar paths and even gained a certificate of completion, which was such a nice way to recognise the effort I put in. While my exhibition plan is a future aspiration, it sits in a much more explicit focus and has the foundation scaffold to be built upon when the time comes—and if the universe is my friend, it will.
I wholeheartedly recommend this course to anyone with an interest in art curation or exhibition management. Whether you're an artist, a gallerist, a museum professional, or simply someone looking to expand their knowledge and skills in showcasing art, this course is for you. It provides a systematic approach that equips you with the tools and knowledge to consistently turn your ideas into reality, boosting your confidence and understanding in the process.