Contemporary Community Textile Artist Derbyshire
Collaboration Kindness Carbon Sensitivity
is a participatory mindful sewing event running from
International Women's Day to
Mental Health Awareness Day

to celebrate women's achievements and develop mindful stitching as a way to manage anxiety and connect to others

a project for anyone who identifies as a woman and feels lonely, isolated, bored, fed-up, anxious, uninspired, or out of love with their arts and crafts practice
stitching has been a means for women to communicate their joys, abuse, grief, and rights through samplers, story cloths, quilts, and procession banners
together we will repurpose the Processions suffrage sashes, donated by Artichoke, from being used to commemorate women’s past struggles to one that highlights women’s current struggles


around International Women's Day you will receive a special mindful stitching gift containing everything needed to become part of the tribe
you will cut three ribbons from the fabric that you receive and:
keep one for yourself
give one to a woman that you know who could benefit from joining SEW WHAT?
send one back to me (as soon as you can in the SAE) to be part of a large commemorative art piece launched on Mental Health Awareness Day
you will stitch on your ribbons any word or words that you have never had said to you, but have always longed to hear. You are going to give yourself the gift of these words through stitch because it is easier to absorb
the stitches and design can be as fancy as you choose, and can be completed whenever or wherever you would like
all that is asked is that you stitch slowly, enjoying the rhythm, having some precious time away from thoughts or feelings that you need space from
group workshops will be held virtually and dates will be sent to all participants who supply their email address, to stitch along, natter and share
you will also have the chance to upload your creations to appear in the SEW WHAT? gallery and see your contribution in the final collective artwork that I will create using your pieces
additional resources such as mindful music, inspirational poetry, meditation will also be used to access whenever you need